
P+R Černý Most 2 and P+R Rajská zahrada - Change of parking régime

From 1 July 2023, the P+R Černý Most and P+R Rajská zahrada car parks will change their parking regime to “Paid parking with remote dispatching”.

The change of the regime is again connected with the modernisation of the above mentioned car parks. Both car parks will be connected to the remote dispatching via an intercom, which is available to clients in case of problems with payment or parking directly at the ticket office or at the entry or exit stand. The security of the car park is ensured by a newly installed camera system.

The opening hours remain unchanged, the car parks remain available for 24 hours in the so-called NONSTOP operation and the price for parking also remains unchanged. Parking fees can be paid at the ticket offices by card, coins and banknotes or via mobile phone in the MPLA app

You must leave the car park within 15 minutes of paying the parking fee.

These changes are connected with the change of the operating rules, which are published directly in the car parks.
(Machine translation)

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