Blue Zone

Residential parking

What does the blue zone allow for?

  • Unlimited parking for residents with a permanent place of residence, business owners or property owners with a long-term parking permit for the relevant area of the parking zone.
  • Unlimited parking for electric vehicles with an EL plate (issued in the Czech Republic) or a permit issued based on an assessment by Prague City Hall.
  • Other motorists can make use of short-term paid parking for one hour in the centre or three hours outside the city centre.

Operating hours of parking zones

In the zones you can find parking signs that specify the operating hours. Outside the indicated time, parking is free and unlimited for all vehicles. Operating hours can vary in different municipal districts or streets.

How much does short-term parking cost for visitors and where can it be paid?

During operating hours the following applies in blue zones:

  • short-term parking (maximum of three hours) – in blue zones you will not find parking machines, but you can pay for parking online;
  • parking prices – These vary depending on the location, see the price list for more details. When paying for parking online, the cost is calculated automatically once you have entered the location and duration of parking.

How do I get a parking permit?

  • In person – In every municipal district there are parking permit offices where you can get a permit after presenting the relevant documents and paying on the spot by cash or bank card. The contacts and opening hours for these offices can be found in the section Contacts.
  • Online – In the section „My Account“, you can order, modify, renew and pay for a parking permit.
  • Renewal of a parking permit is possible no earlier than 30 days before it expires.

Who is eligible for a long-term parking permit?

A resident, business owner or property owner in the given municipal district can obtain a parking permit if they meet the following conditions:

  • they have a temporary or permanent residence or own a property in the given sub-area (more info here);
  • they have a legal relationship to the vehicle for which the parking permit is being applied (more info here);
  • they pay the fee as per the valid price list.

Parking prices vary depending on the location; more detailed information can be found in the price list or on the parking machine. When paying for parking online, the price is calculated automatically after entering the location and duration of parking.

blue zone

Typical parking sign

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