Purple Zone

Mixed parking

What does the purple zone allow for?

  • Unlimited parking for residents with permanent residence, and business or property owners with a long-term parking permit for the relevant area of the parking zone.
  • Unlimited parking for electric vehicles with an EL plate (issued in the Czech Republic) or a permit issued based on an assessment by Prague City Hall.
  • Paid parking for a maximum of 24 hours for other motorists (parking is possible following payment at a parking machine or via the online app).

Operating hours of parking zones

In the zones you can find parking signs that specify the operating hours. Outside the indicated time, parking is free and unlimited for all vehicles. If the operating hours are not indicated on the signs, the non-stop paid regime applies here. Operating hours can vary in different municipal districts or streets.


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How much does parking cost, how to use the machine or where to extend your parking permit? These and other questions can be answered in our clients' frequently asked questions.

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